Spin Recovery

A general discussion area where you can talk about the various flying characteristics of the Hatz and Kelly-D.
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Spin Recovery

Post by rawheels »

I had the opportunity to recover from an unanticipated spin last weekend. I've never rolled or looped an airplane, but I occasionally do a wingover in the Hatz. This time I pulled power too soon in anticipation of the dive and the plane snapped into a spin. Luckily, in the long standing debate of spin vs no spin training, my first instructor 25 years ago was of the mind that you had to at least experience them, so I recognized it very early. Good news is that all of the training worked; power all ready back, ailerons neutral, opposite rudder. Recovered at two spins (pretty much as soon as I put input in). Final step, land and empty pants. Definitely been going over all of those emergency checklists in my mind this week; PARE, ALARMS, etc.
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Re: Spin Recovery

Post by hatz215 »

Mine spins steep and fast. Recovers quickly too. Glad your experience worked out. I do steep wing overs but leave the throttle wide open all the way through.

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