Wood spar inspection

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Re: Wood spar inspection

by hatz215 » Tue Sep 10, 2019 12:58 pm

Nice looking ship!

Re: Wood spar inspection

by Taildragger » Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:08 pm

4290DA17-82A8-4109-B272-60C28C72DC4D.jpeg (83.13 KiB) Viewed 4461 times

Re: Wood spar inspection

by hatz215 » Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:53 am


We'd love to see some pics.


Re: Wood spar inspection

by Taildragger » Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:58 am

Thanks. Have owned a half dozen planes over the years. This is my first experience with wood. My long time mechanic has been out of town for over a month. I actually have worked on it like a mad man and have it up and running! Everything is looking really good. Cylinders bore scoped excellent. Very light brown rust in some areas, no pitting, still a glisten of oil in spots. Was amazed. Inspected exhaust and painted. Pulled rocker covers off and looked like new inside. New intake/exhaust/rocker gaskets. New alternator belt, intake tube sleeves, oil drain tube sleeves, oil cooler hoses, fuel hose, tires, tubes, clean repack wheel bearings, pulled calipers, cleaned new piston orings. O/h carb. New battery. Was parked with car gas so the biggest issue was getting the fuel tank, lines, valve cleaned out. Took a lot of time. Fired on first blade! On to inspecting the wings! Thank you.


Re: Wood spar inspection

by JBMoore » Mon Sep 09, 2019 6:05 am

Inspection cover openings are there to be opened for a look-see. I was taught to open them at the first condition inspection. or earlier if necessary, to look at things inside.
You will not hurt anything if you open them.
Look at the spar end grain, around any fitting bolt locations, etc.
Use good lighting, a mirror and a second set of eyes if need be.
Good luck.

Jeff Moore

Wood spar inspection

by Taildragger » Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:38 am


New member and Hatz CB-1 owner. Recently purchased it from the original builder. Was completed in 1982. Only time it ever sat outside was when he flew it to Oshkosh in 1982. Only has 156 hours tt with Lycoming 0320. Has been sitting in his hanger and not flown in 23 years. Workmanship, fabric and paint all appear top quality. Paint litterely looks like it is only a couple years old. Fabric is all tight as a drum with no wrinkles. Removed the wings and trailered it home. Wings off still fabric all tight and no wrinkles. What is the opinion on wether I should start cutting open all the inspection cover openings in the wings? Or how else do I ensure no cracks? Advice? Thank you.

